Monday, July 23, 2007


Friday night when I got home from work i was exhausted! I sat around on the couch for a couple of hours then David and I decided that we would go and get some dinner since it was almost 8:00. We ended up going to the Black Eyed Pea and the service was horrible! As soon as we got home I headed for the bed and slept for almost 12 hours. Saturday morning I got up and met my mom at Heidi's to get our hair done. When I finished up there I left for Sugar Land to see my old college roommate Hollie. Her and Chris recently bought a house and it is just precious. It was good to see old friends and see how well they are doing. Yesterday, David and I bought some new decorations for the living room and watched Daddy's Little Girls. That was my weekend in a nutshell and I can't believe that it is already Monday again!

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