Friday, August 3, 2007


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The leaky pipe turned out to be a mess. David cut a rather large hole in the kitchen ceiling to check everything out and turns out the pipe was leaking in 5 spots. Good thing my husband happens to be so handy! He put some repair clamps on for now, and when it gets cooler he plans on re piping the whole house. The plumber offered to do it for $8,000 but we decided to pass :)

On to something a little more exciting...David got a new truck on Tuesday night! its a Toyota Tundra and it drives so good. I suggested maybe I should drive it but I don't think David thought that was a good idea. It's okay though, I have driven the last two new cars we got and it's now David's turn for power locks and windows! As soon as I figure out how to post pictures I will put some on here. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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