Friday, September 28, 2007

Extreme Makeover

It's that time again! the new season of Extreme Makeover Home Edition kicks off Sunday night at 6:00 on ABC. Everyone be sure and tune in, I love this show!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Danny Nicole

Here is my cousins new little baby. She has been the smallest baby of the family, weighing in at 8lbs, 1oz.

Convenient Christmas shopping for all!

I can't believe it is almost October, and the holidays are rapidly approaching! Christmas is my favorite time of year, and one of the things I love to do is go shopping on Black Friday - the Friday after Thanksgiving. I love the rush of getting a good deal, but the crowds and rude people are not my favorite. I mean, wheres the Christmas spirit people? I recently came across this website called black friday ads. You can still get the great deals, but without all the hassle!

My first stop is always Target! I don't know if it's just because it's less then a mile from my house, but I really do love Target. Every time I leave the store, I end up spending way too much money! I will go to get groceries and leave with 10 other items!

The good thing about black friday ads is that they offer e-mail alerts when new retailers have added their list, but best of all they allow you to make online purchases. So for those of you who are all about the deals, but don't like standing in line at 5 a.m., this is for you!

black friday ads is not only a consumer friendly website, they make your holiday shopping easy and stress free!

Oh, what a mess!

As I had mentioned earlier, the cabinet project is a little over my head! Last night David and I took turns sanding the cabinet frames - inside the kitchen! We have taped off the kitchen with plastic sheets but there is still dust and particles everywhere! David put a box fan in the window in hopes that it would send some of the dust out, not sure how much that helped. I will post some pictures of the cabinets when they are finished. Don't get too anxious, you may be waiting for a couple of weeks!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

My traveling buddy...

This past summer on my way to Dominica, Ralph and I were talking. He began to tell me of a way he was making a little extra money and my eyes lit up. I am always up for a little extra money, I mean who's not? Once we got to Dominica, he actually helped me set up my blog and get it started. So for the past three months I have been letting with world know what's going on in my life, and hopefully I can make a little extra money too!

Not only do I look to Ralph as a mentor, but he is also a friend that I hold near and dear to my heart. Thanks Ralphy for introducing me to the blogging world! You can visit Ralph's blog at

Sunday, September 23, 2007


This coming weekend we are leaving for New Orleans to see the Tulane vs. LSU game. I am really excited because we are got a really good deal at the Wyndham, Taylor got us free tickets (the game is sold out and they were selling for ridiculous amounts of money!) Mike and Ruth are coming with us, and I get to see Taylor! The game is at 11 on Saturday, so we will still have the rest of the day to eat and hang out with Taylor! He doesn't want to admit it, but I think he is a little homesick! This is the first time in 18 years him and Tanner have been separated, not to mention they are n different states starting new chapters of their lives! I will post some pictures from our trip when we get back!

Kitchen Cabinets

I have recently taken on a project that might be over my head! I took off all of the doors on the kitchen cabinets and started sanding them yesterday while David was playing in a softball tournament. He wanted me to wait, but me being the impatient person that I am, decided to go ahead and take the bull by the horns. I am ready to move and want to get things done as quickly as possible so we can get the house up for sale. I have sanded the majority of the doors but I still have to sand the parts in the kitchen, not to mention still prime and paint! Hopefully I can get finished sooner than later, and move on the the next project, demolishing the hut in the back yard!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Ever since David and I got married and I moved back to the Houston area I have had horrible allergies. After waiting two months for an appointment, I finally got into the McGovern allergy clinic last Thursday. I had been there when I was younger, and took allergy shots for a period of time. I thought I had "outgrown" the allergies but turns out they came back with a vengeance!

After several hours of testing over a two day period, I got the report of what exactly I was allergic to. He first asked if I was a farm girl, and I laughed and said no. He told me I was extremely allergic to guinea pigs, horses, rabbits and cows. Good thing I was never in Future Farmers of America! I am allergic to a lot of other things in the air/environment but I thought that was pretty funny. He gave me lots of medicine and I will be taking allergy shots for the next three years....yikes! I don't do needles very well, but mom said she would assist with the shots since she did it when I was younger. Hopefully I will get to feeling better soon, and sorry Al for always giving you a hard time about the allergy and sneezing attacks! I now know what it feels like!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Farley Family

This blog was brought to my attention, and I want to ask you to pray for this sweet family. Below is the link to their blog:

FYI: You might want to grab a box of kleenex before you click the link.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Happy Birthday Mom!

Today is my moms birthday! I would tell you how old she is, but she might want to kill me! We actually celebrated her birthday last weekend in New Orleans, but since David couldn't be there, we were going to celebrate it last night. I took mom shopping yesterday and picked up her cake from Jenny's Bakery on the way home. David had been BBQ-ing all afternoon and we were going to have chicken and ribs for dinner. Too bad the ribs were so fatty that you couldn't eat them! So change of plans, and we went to eat at Mely's and then came back to the house for cake and ice cream! It was a really fun weekend and I hope you had a good birthday mom!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Okay, so as you can see I haven't posted in a very long time! This past weekend we went to New Orleans to see Taylors first college football game. We had a really good time, but the weekend just wasn't long enough! I felt like as soon as we got there it was time to turn around. Below are a couple of pictures from our weekend.

Dog update: LSBR suggested we adopt a female. So of course Stella was my first choice. However, Stella was surrendered with another dog named Rocco and they were thinking of keeping them together unless the circumstances were right. So I talked with Stella and Rocco's foster mom and we set up a time for Diesel and Stella to meet. When we got to her house, they hit it off immediately and I was super excited. She felt comfortable letting us adopt Stella without Rocco and now Stella is the newest member of the Marrie family! , Rocco was just adopted on Sunday, so now they both have permanent homes! here are some pictures of the two...they get a little wild sometimes!

I hope everyone has a Happy friday and wonderful weekend! Happy Birthday Mom!