Wednesday, September 26, 2007

My traveling buddy...

This past summer on my way to Dominica, Ralph and I were talking. He began to tell me of a way he was making a little extra money and my eyes lit up. I am always up for a little extra money, I mean who's not? Once we got to Dominica, he actually helped me set up my blog and get it started. So for the past three months I have been letting with world know what's going on in my life, and hopefully I can make a little extra money too!

Not only do I look to Ralph as a mentor, but he is also a friend that I hold near and dear to my heart. Thanks Ralphy for introducing me to the blogging world! You can visit Ralph's blog at


Family Fun and Faith said...

Your first paid blog! Yea! I hope you make a bundle!

hifidel said...

Hey LMarr,
Glad to see you are hitting it big with your new blog! Good stuff.
