Sunday, September 23, 2007


This coming weekend we are leaving for New Orleans to see the Tulane vs. LSU game. I am really excited because we are got a really good deal at the Wyndham, Taylor got us free tickets (the game is sold out and they were selling for ridiculous amounts of money!) Mike and Ruth are coming with us, and I get to see Taylor! The game is at 11 on Saturday, so we will still have the rest of the day to eat and hang out with Taylor! He doesn't want to admit it, but I think he is a little homesick! This is the first time in 18 years him and Tanner have been separated, not to mention they are n different states starting new chapters of their lives! I will post some pictures from our trip when we get back!


Family Fun and Faith said...

Have a great time and tell Taylor howdy for me! Be careful over there with all those crazies!

*Courtney* said...

Oh, that sounds so fun!

And you sound just like me...all impatient about the projects! :)